Democrats and the Circular Firing Squad
Well the chatter continues about President Biden, some among elected leaders and much my mainstream media. The latter has the caveat that news has become less about great reporting and more about getting eyeballs and acting as if someone’s hair is on fire, until the next news cycle. As long as Biden speculation gets eyeballs, the media will keep producing those stories, more than happy to rehash it.
And it’s not that I don’t think there is a discussion to be had. But as I said in my previous article, the discussion has to be done holistically. It’s hypocritical not to, though surely we live in a time where we wrap ourselves up in hypocrisy. Imagine if the Democratic nominee had 34 felony convictions. Point made.
Back to the tirle of this, you have the Democrats quite publicly going through this existential crisis, to Biden or not to Biden. What it does is cast doubt in the electorate because, not to my surprise anyway, no one has come forward and said, here is the person that should be our nominee to beat Trump. You cannot simply say, Biden cannot win unless you have a better idea, a specific idea.
See, I imagine if the process is thrown open, you get a fair degree of chaos. Is that better? If you think I’m wrong and the party coaesces behind one person with the knowledge and skills to win, share it. But years of observing politics, especially my own Democratic Party, has me leaning more towards the chaos result.
Now it si possible to have chais and then when people are really paying attention post Labor Day to November, everyone is on the same page. What I am saying is that there has been precious little thought about the entire breadth of options, good and bad . And because of that lack of well thought out discussion is why I lean chaos.
And it’s why one of the possibilities is the Democrats, in a good economy, can blow this election.